I had a very quiet and smooth slip into the year 2021 and started it
with the feeling that this year will shine bright upon us.
But I have to admit that I was sitting in front the of the TV last night with tears running down my cheek. These are the moments when I doubt
the profession that I have picked for myself.
Why didn’t I choose a profession where I can easily help people or actively protect the democracy? How do I help anybody with the things I create?
In these moments I am lost and have no answer to these questions.
with the feeling that this year will shine bright upon us.
But I have to admit that I was sitting in front the of the TV last night with tears running down my cheek. These are the moments when I doubt
the profession that I have picked for myself.
Why didn’t I choose a profession where I can easily help people or actively protect the democracy? How do I help anybody with the things I create?
In these moments I am lost and have no answer to these questions.
It took me a moment to reflect about all the positive and incredible feedback
I received during 2020, thanking me for sharing my work and my philosophy
which encouraged others to stay positive.
And I remembered again what I have actually known for a long time:
I received during 2020, thanking me for sharing my work and my philosophy
which encouraged others to stay positive.
And I remembered again what I have actually known for a long time:
Art can significantly change
the world and society.
the world and society.
Art, music, theatre, dance and literature can prevent violence,
heal trauma and build peace. We experience it through all of our
the senses on a bodily and emotional level.
heal trauma and build peace. We experience it through all of our
the senses on a bodily and emotional level.
After a little while reflecting on this, I just felt like dancing,
dancing all the pain away! Because moving and feeling my body
is so essential and healing for me.
dancing all the pain away! Because moving and feeling my body
is so essential and healing for me.
I would love to present you a dance video I was able to produce some time ago.