We are thrilled to announce the successful presentation of the new A/W 19/20 collection „To The Moon“ during Berlin Fashion Week. Some highlights made the event even more sensational were the beautiful installations, the announcement of the first political perfume „Feminista“ that was the result of an outstanding cooperation with rebel perfumer Geza Schoen, as well as great interviews and a wonderful talk on site. Special thanks go to the amazing guests but also everybody else who attended the fashion week.
"Esther Perbandt is without exception Germany’s first fashion designer that celebrated equal marriage rights with her “Say Yes!” collection. As one of her remarkable features that defines her entire life work was especially the non-binary style that endows the wearer with her renowned sex appeal regardless of gender. In this year’s anniversary collection, however, she takes her relentless approach to perfection and empowerment a step further.
“To The Moon”, not only describes the old tale of mankind to reach out for the impossible, which appears so close and is yet so far, but she manages to complement the almost stern and deconstructed collection with beautiful organic, harmonious shapes, made from manipulated and molded leather. Future-facing technology, such as 3D printing and CNC milling, meets traditional leather craft processes, resulting in shapes that are inspired by the crater dominated surface of the moon.“