Making the Cut - Start dates of ALL episodes
Find the Making the Cut start dates for each episode here

Start dates of the casting show Making the Cut on Amazon Prime is March 27, 2020 with two episodes being released directly with the launch. On this start date episode1 and episode 2 will be uploaded to Amazon Prime Video channel and you directly watch your all stars directly per stream online. In the following five weeks afterwards, two more episodes have a start date every Friday of the week on Amazon Prime, so that April 24, 2020 is the last start date of episode nine followed by the final episode ten. The exact start date per week is accordingly:
Start dates of each episode
Episode 1 & episode 2: 27/03/2020 (Week 1)
Episode 3 & episode 4: 04/04/2020 (Week 2)
Episode 5 & episode 6: 10/04/2020 (Week 3)
Episode 7 & episode 8: 17/04/2020 (Week 4)
Episode 9 & episode 10: 23/04/2020 (Week 5 / finale)
Source all images: Amazon Studios